Thursday, October 24, 2013

exciting news! surgery date is set for my gastric sleeve!

Excited about my sleeve surgery!  Got my date today- December 9th!!  Ready to get healthy and stay healthy! 
 (As long as no unexpected delays this is the date) 

I know my belly won't look this good... But you get the point ;-)

Some friends and family are happy about this and many are worried and concerned.  In the end I plan on being a better person and will make all of them proud.  


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Older kid puts wood chips down the garbage disposal, found that middle kid hoarded yogurt in his backpack for 2 weeks and the curdled yogurt burst inside, middle child licks the floor at Walmart and runs around like a adhd poster child, both kids acting a fool being loud while mommy is ordering at drive through, mommy is criticized for feeding fast food to kids because its unhealthy, Joey has bitten my boobies so much with his new teeth that they are still stinging like fire in my bra....  I need a nap, or a lobotomy 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's a bird, it's a plane.... It's a unibrow!

Jimmy came home from school with extra long eyebrows 



Saturday, October 5, 2013

"Wake up Mommy!  It's 3AM and I'm feeling FABULOUS!"




"Wake up Mommy!  It's 3AM and I'm feeling FABULOUS!"




Thursday, October 3, 2013



I missed ONE day of washing. Not a week or a month.  ONE. Single. Day.