Autumn's 8th grade choir performance was nice- such beautiful singing. She looked gorgeous and even put tinted lip gloss on without me asking! She's getting to be such a young lady.
Daddy was busy working, so I took both boys with me to watch Autumn. Joey was perfect, quiet and curious. Jimmy was obnoxious and loud.
Between the 6th grade songs he would cough and yawn LOUDLY so the whole auditorium could hear. He kept kicking the seat in front of us and squirming. At one point, he turned around to the seats behind us and told this nice lady he liked her shirt. As she said "Thank you" he reached and grabbed these flowers on her breasts...pretty much groping her and exclaimed "pretty!" before I could stop him. . She was very understanding, bless her.
We got to listen to one of Autumn's songs, but then right before her second song started, Jimmy started yelling "I can't see Autumn, I can't see her!" Then he yells "I WANT A BURRITO AND ICECREAM!!" He was making a total scene; so I grabbed him and headed up the isle towards the exit.
In the silent Auditorium he yells "mommy don't spank me!! Don't spank me mommy!! Please!!" Laughter erupts as I hurry our pace. "Mommy! Don't! Spank! Me!!!"