Saturday, September 7, 2013

it's a burrito emergency...

So, we called the nurse line with some symptoms my 4 year old has and they told us to take him to the ER.

Before our hour and a half drive to the ER, I grabbed some burritos at Taco Bell.  We made it here and Jimmy took a couple bites, said he was done, and I threw it away. 

After we got checked in he wanted his burrito back.  I told him it was thrown away since he said he was done.  Wrong Answer.

So for the past hour and a half in the waiting room he screamed and cried inconsolably "I want my burrito!! I want my burrito bacccck!" Waaaaaaaaa!

I'm sitting here thinking we don't need the ER, we need to be at Taco Bell. Lol