Thursday, September 26, 2013

"hell day" AKA "No Boob Day"

Today is my EGD procedure, a pre-op requirement for my bariatric surgery in December.  Which is no big deal EXCEPT I'm not allowed to breast feed for 24 hours after.  I just found this out so I have no breast milk pumped.  But even with breast milk,  Joey refuses to take a bottle.  He won't even take a pacifier.  I AM his bottle and his pacifier.  And now I must shatter his world for 24 hours: no boobie.  

My poor Joey!!  I've compiled a "hell day" kit for Joey.  I hope between the two kinds of formula, sippy cups, pacifiers and bottles, that he will make do somehow.

Oh and I got him a new toy.... to ease his pain. 


1 comment:

  1. We survived! When I got there the doctor said I'd have to pump and dump for 6 hours, instead of 24. He said 24 was the old guideline but it clears the system far quicker. It still was hard. He ate only 3 oz from a bottle and was hysterical until 8pm, when I could breast feed again. But we made it!
