Friday, December 27, 2013

My Gastric Sleeve Surgery and Complications

(I wrote this 12/16/13, late on publishing) I've Procrastinated writing about this, partly because it's long and partly because I'm still tired and sore on pain meds, but definitely worth writing about I suppose.

I had my sleeve surgery on Monday the ninth. When I came out from the surgery, the surgeon said everything went perfectly and I looked great. I was in a lot of pain, but to be expected, and was on the 24 hour observation-then get discharged plan. 

They said to sip liquids slowly, but constantly. I couldn't do it, I was so scared because it felt like each swallow packed air into my stomach.  My pain level wasn't being controlled well by oral pain medicine and they wanted me to be able to not need the IV pain meds before I went home.   I forced myself to walk small grandma-steps to the door and a little out the hall, but that proved to be too much and I wasn't able to do it often.  I was able to urinate after much effort a few hours after my surgery.  The doctor came in at the end of my 24 hour observation period to release me, said the surgery went perfectly and there was no reason I couldn't go home.

After the doctor left, I expressed to the nurse how I just hurt so bad and I couldn't imagine going home in this much pain right now (my pain level remained an 8-9 out of 10).  She said that if my pain wasn't under control, that was a good reason to keep me and she would call my doctor.  She called him and he agreed to let me stay another night.

I mostly slept, couldn't move without horrible pains.  I had what was expected, the air/gas pains in my stomach and left shoulder/chest felt like a stabbing charlie horse.  My lower back also hurt with similar severity.  I attempted to take the oral pain medicine as they recommended so as to get off the IV pain meds, but it was just too much.  About three in the morning I realized it had been quite a few hours since I was able to go pee.  I tried and tried, and my bladder was soooo full!  It was so odd since I had been able to go after the surgery, but now I couldn't.  The nurses did a scan of my bladder and found it to be way too full, so they gave me an "in and out" catheter.  What a relief!

By the morning, instead of feeling better, my pain seemed to be the same or worse.  I gave up on trying to sip water and reverted to ice chips.  I still couldn't get out of bed without considerable help.  I made many trips to the restroom to try to urinate again, and was not successful.  Around the time of nurse change that morning, I had my new nurse take me to the restroom.  He stayed outside the door waiting for me.  I suddenly upon sitting down, felt funny and dizzy and the next thing I knew I was waking up sideways looking up at two male nurses trying to rouse me. be continued

Saturday, December 14, 2013

New Ghost Orb Pic!!

My daughter has been staying at her best friends house since I've been recovering from surgery.  Their house is reportedly haunted, opening/closing doors and such. This big bright spirit orb appeared in one pic and was gone in the next!  



Monday, December 9, 2013

Today is the Day! Gastric Sleeve Day!

Riding to the hospital as I type this on a cold drizzly December Monday.  Today is the day I get my gastric sleeve!  Am I nervous about the surgery?  No, not really.  But ill tell you what I'm sweating bullets over... The IV!  Every time, no matter who or where I go to it takes a minimum of four sticks an painful digging and pushing to get that puppy in. No thank you!  This time I'm requesting a hammer to the head first.  

But really, besides that my tummy is in butterflies about leaving my three sweet babies for 24 hours. Yes, Autumn is 13, but she's still my baby.  Jimmy should do fine as he loooves spending quality time with Nana, but Ill miss him.  I worry for how my 10 month old Joey will fare without his beloved boobies for a day,  Will he feel betrayed?  Scared I won't come back?  Oh my poor Joey!  

I do have my breast pumps with me, (yes that's intentionally plural), to keep my boob juice flowing and from painfully  back logging in my boobies.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Joey gets his first tattoo to celebrate being 10 Months!

To get ready for my surgery on Monday, I had to get my CBR piercing taken out of my ear at a tattoo/piercing shop because Im not coordinated enough to do it myself. While we were there the wonderful tattoo artist David at American Gypsy Tattoo was kind enough to offer up a temporary tattoo and pose with Joey for these cute pics on his 10 month birthday! 








Sunday, December 1, 2013

9 Days before my gastric sleeve and I'm told I can still BREASTFEED!

Excited, excited, excited!  I'm almost halfway done with my 2 week pre- op Atkins diet.  Its suppose to shrink my liver so the doctor can access my stomach with no problems.  It's amazing that this can be done with just a few small incisions!  Not that my stomach is prize winning anyway with my pregnancy tiger stripes, so I'm not too concerned about the scars.

I am extra excited because the surgeon told me I CAN KEEP BREASTFEEDING!  I was completely shocked!  I thought the liquid diet that I have to be on for half a month and such would make it impossible. He said my body will still make nutritious milk, and he fully encourages me to breast feed as long as I want. He said only for 24 hours after surgery am I not allowed to breast feed.  But even with my RX pain pills ill be given, ill still be allowed to nurse my Joey!  Totally ecstatic!  Honestly, switching to formula was my biggest worry for this whole ordeal.  

The other worry I had was having to take some kinda crazy rx vitamins that were expensive and what not for the rest of my life.  Nope! The surgeon said I just have to take a chewable vitamin twice a day (instead of the packages recommended once a day).  

It's still going to be a difficult process. But these little things make a big difference to me.  :-)

My "before" pics at 271.8 pounds 5'8.5"




Thursday, October 24, 2013

exciting news! surgery date is set for my gastric sleeve!

Excited about my sleeve surgery!  Got my date today- December 9th!!  Ready to get healthy and stay healthy! 
 (As long as no unexpected delays this is the date) 

I know my belly won't look this good... But you get the point ;-)

Some friends and family are happy about this and many are worried and concerned.  In the end I plan on being a better person and will make all of them proud.  


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Older kid puts wood chips down the garbage disposal, found that middle kid hoarded yogurt in his backpack for 2 weeks and the curdled yogurt burst inside, middle child licks the floor at Walmart and runs around like a adhd poster child, both kids acting a fool being loud while mommy is ordering at drive through, mommy is criticized for feeding fast food to kids because its unhealthy, Joey has bitten my boobies so much with his new teeth that they are still stinging like fire in my bra....  I need a nap, or a lobotomy 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's a bird, it's a plane.... It's a unibrow!

Jimmy came home from school with extra long eyebrows 



Saturday, October 5, 2013

"Wake up Mommy!  It's 3AM and I'm feeling FABULOUS!"




"Wake up Mommy!  It's 3AM and I'm feeling FABULOUS!"




Thursday, October 3, 2013



I missed ONE day of washing. Not a week or a month.  ONE. Single. Day.


Monday, September 30, 2013

The Choir Performance

Autumn's 8th grade choir performance was nice- such beautiful singing.  She looked gorgeous and even put tinted lip gloss on without me asking! She's getting to be such a young lady. 

Daddy was busy working, so I took both boys with me to watch Autumn. Joey was perfect, quiet and curious. Jimmy was obnoxious and loud. 

Between the 6th grade songs he would cough and yawn LOUDLY so the whole auditorium could hear. He kept kicking the seat in front of us and squirming.  At one point, he turned around to the seats behind us and told this nice lady he liked her shirt. As she said "Thank you" he reached and grabbed these flowers on her breasts...pretty much groping her and exclaimed "pretty!" before I could stop him. . She was very understanding, bless her. 

We got to listen to one of Autumn's songs, but then right before her second song started, Jimmy started yelling "I can't see Autumn, I can't see her!" Then he yells "I WANT A BURRITO AND ICECREAM!!" He was making a total scene; so I grabbed him and headed up the isle towards the exit.

In the silent Auditorium he yells "mommy don't spank me!! Don't spank me mommy!! Please!!" Laughter erupts as I hurry our pace. "Mommy! Don't! Spank! Me!!!"






What KIND of baby IS THIS?!?

One of my favorite morning snuggle-tickle games: 

I stand over Joey and exclaim:
"What kind of baby is this?!??  What KIND of baby IS THIS??!!"

(He starts to smile really big and kick his legs excitedly)

Then I kiss his belly and blow raspberries on his tummy between asking- 

"Is it a baby monkey??" 
(Kiss! Then he giggles)

"Is it a baby puppy??!!" (Raspberry! More baby giggles)

"'s a baby Joey!!"
(Lots of kisses and tickles and he laughs and laughs)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Do cats eat cheesecake?

One of life's greatest questions had just been answered: 

"Do cats eat cheesecake?"

ANSWER:  yes, yes they do 



Saturday, September 28, 2013

Jimmy talks about "Bullets"

Jimmy says randomly, 
"Mom you got big bullets!  Big big biiiiig BULLETS!"

(Bullets is his word for boobs. I have no clue where this came from)

Jimmy continued, "...My bullets are smaller, like Daddy's, his are smaller too!  And Joey has small bullets.
But your bullets are big, Mama!  They are gonna grow and keep growwwwing!  To the top of the house!  And grow bigger and BIGGER all the way up to the MOON!"


Thursday, September 26, 2013

"hell day" AKA "No Boob Day"

Today is my EGD procedure, a pre-op requirement for my bariatric surgery in December.  Which is no big deal EXCEPT I'm not allowed to breast feed for 24 hours after.  I just found this out so I have no breast milk pumped.  But even with breast milk,  Joey refuses to take a bottle.  He won't even take a pacifier.  I AM his bottle and his pacifier.  And now I must shatter his world for 24 hours: no boobie.  

My poor Joey!!  I've compiled a "hell day" kit for Joey.  I hope between the two kinds of formula, sippy cups, pacifiers and bottles, that he will make do somehow.

Oh and I got him a new toy.... to ease his pain. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vocabulary Word of the Day

At the doc office, I was talking about how I wanted to make sure something didn't exacerbate a condition. My hubby said, "you mean exaggerate".  I said, no "exacerbate, as in make something worse?"  He and the nurse both said they never heard that word used before. 

So, I looked it up to see if I was nuts. And it appears I do know what I'm talking about!  

So people, if you are not familiar with this word, take a look and learn:

***ex‧a‧cer‧bate [transitive]
to make a bad situation worse:
The recession has exacerbated this problem.
 I don't want to exacerbate the situation.***


wear sneakers when herding a preschooler

This is what happens when your 4 year old bolts in a parking lot, you run after him, you are wearing flip flops, and you stumble over a large rock.  By the way, the Bactine spray  lies on its packaging. That shit DOES sting. Oh my GOD does it sting!  That is all. 



Sunday, September 22, 2013

I want to be a serial killer drag queen for Halloween.  However, I am not sure how to pull off being a woman who looks like a man that is dressed as a woman....  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

spooky spider webs for Halloween!

Putting spiderweb up with rough eczema fingertips is some tricky sh!t. I was getting mad as it kept clinging to my rough fingers and almost gave up. Not as nice as I wanted but it'll have to do. Bastard fingers. Ugh!


it has begun!! :-))

Got the half bath decorated. Now I need to clean some more so I can decorate the rest of the house.  I love the fall!! I love Halloween!!! Yay!!!!




Wednesday, September 18, 2013

love this new show! Brooklyn Nine-Nine

For those of us still trying to fill the hole in our hearts that Reno 911 left, there is a new police comedy show on Fox that may come close to filling that void. 

Brooklyn Nine-Nine's Pilot episode aired last night, and I was not disappointed.  The comedy was spot-on, and I enjoyed all the characters as well.  So freakin' funny!  So friends, set your DVRs for this one!  You will not be disappointed.



So... I HAVE to have Chapstick or Vaseline on my lips when I sleep. I don't know why, but I CANNOT sleep if my lips feel dry.  I always keep some Chapstick or Vaseline near the bed for if I wake up at night, to reapply.  

Well, last week Joey was sick for 4-5 days and I took his temp alot.   Rectal temp, where I would dip "his thermometer" into "his Vaseline," and take his temp.  I'd rinse it and wipe it after, but not sanitize it or anything.... Then the next time I needed a temp, I'd jab it in his jar of Vaseline and do it again. 

Well, last night I woke up several times, my Chapstick ran out so I just grabbed my jar of Vaseline on my nightstand each time I woke up.   

This morning I saw Joey's thermometer laying next to it and realized what I had reapplied to my lips over and over was not my was Joey's special thermometer butt hole Vaseline! Noooooo! 


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

where's my phone?!??

Daddy came home and laid down on the couch after work.  I realized I couldn't find my phone anywhere.  I looked for a while, then we watched Tv.  

Later, we went upstairs to brush our teeth.  I was about to use his phone to call my phone... But as he bent over the sink I saw his back and took these pictures instead.  

Yeah, I figured out where my phone was. 



Sunday, September 15, 2013

my rocketeers

Autumn (13) got the song "Rocketeer" with her iTunes gift card from the tooth fairy.  

She put her earphones in and sang along "take my hand!! Close your eyes!!"

Jimmy (4) walks up to her and puts his hand on hers and squeezes his eyes shut.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I just had a meal of adorable baby cheeks. I ate em all up! So scrumptious!  #lovemyjoey


Two new ghost shows!

"Ghost Bait" and "Stalked by a Ghost" is on tonight on bioHD!  Whoo hoo!  DVR is set!

My hubby thinks it's weird I like paranormal shows so much. I just think they are entertaining.  It's my favorite type of show to watch.  Just like his favorite thing to watch is football.  

He loves watching every football game he can and I don't call him weird for that.  I mean how is a man watching sweaty strong men in butt hugging tights jump all over each other in pursuit of a ball any stranger than me watching shows about ghosts?  For reelz

Ghost Mine

I like this show and love love love the theme song!  Too bad it's only a song written for the show intro. I'd totally buy the album!

The bathroom discovery